Hello Dears,
I have a couple of important news for you to share:)!
First of all, I made my first big step to show my work for the world! - or at least for few friends of mine and to some people all around Facebook. Please welcome my FB page, (MicArt as well) where you can follow, comment and like my projects.
Probably I am going to update news over there more often. The reason is pretty simple: much easier to login, than here:)
Second: I applied to an event, which will take place here in Kraków on 7th of June. So pretty soon! This will be organised by Collaborate Kraków group, who - as I checked - has a lot of great programs for expats. Not just handmade projects, but about hobbies, art, some business morning coffees, etc. So in the past few days I did my best to make as much amigurumis as I can. Of course, some of them went already as a gift or were sold, so I should replace them, but still. I am super excited!
Also, save the date! 15th of June will be my first workshop! Ok, if anyone will attend beside me...I mean, all my friends, colleagues, almost everyone, everywhere are amaized about the works I am doing,but on the other hand, I am not sure, if anyone really would like to learn it/put effort, or it is easier to pay and ask for some nice figure...I planed to start with a simple workshop, doing baskets from T-shirt yarn. Well...please keep your fingers crossed for me and of course: COME and SHARE the event :)
Last but not least, - letting to the pressure what my colleagues are putting me under - I also plan to make a little workshop at my workplace. Ok, obviously for free and not 4 hours, but still.
What else...well, I tried new things, like doing earrings, a new type of top pattern (obviously also based on Mandala and Granny Square), a lot of private programs in the meantime, so starts to be more and more hard to put my scedule together, to fit with nails, translation, crochet and of course boyfriend and other programs with guests, friends. It seems, we will have a busy summer, right?:)
Hugs everyone, I'll keep you posted!